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Updated Weekly

⚡ Instant Websites. ♾️ Infinite Possibilities.

An opinionated and minimally styled Next.js and starter template with Tailwind CSS and pre-built schema for rapid website development.

A screenshot of Homepage back in the Sanity Studio

A really cool Sanity + Next starter template. Go check it out! 🔥 Really great work, Mitchell.

Developer Community Enablement Manager at Sanity
Perfect Lighthouse scores on desktop
Stars on GitHub
a aggressively irritated Doge awkward shibainu dog, typing on a Macbook, in a corporate office cubicle space, cool colors, DVD screen grab from 90s action flick

Made for Developers

Designed to empower frontend developers seeking to build scalable websites and blogs quickly and efficiently.

Professional Development Expertise

Developed by a seasoned professional from a digital marketing agency, this project is a refined iteration intended to be easily replicated and customized.

Pre-Built Components

Features pre-built components and modules to streamline and expedite the website development process.

Full Customization

Offers extensive customization options for both the frontend and backend, allowing for complete re-skinning to fit specific needs.

Scalable and Maintainable

Engineered with scalability and maintainability as core principles from the outset.

Built with

Launch Your Project in 3 Simple Steps

  1. 1


    Easily clone, fork or use our template directly from the GitHub repo. Get started in minutes with a solid foundation for your website.

  2. 2


    Tailor the frontend and backend code to fit your unique needs. Make adjustments effortlessly to create a site that stands out and performs seamlessly.

  3. 3


    Build and scale your website and business with confidence. Leverage our maintainable modular architecture to achieve lasting success.

Hear what others are saying

The SanityPress Blog

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🎨 Introducing Themes

Two new beautiful themes have arrived — Umbra and Foliage — and are currently on sale!

Grab your copy now for 20% off, until June 30th.