Common Errors

...and how to easily fix them!

Missing base url

🤞 Domain Expansion (Unlimited Void) requires a proper URL!

Solution: Set your website URL as NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL in your environment variables (including https://).


    Missing site settings

    🫠 Your website might be having an identity crisis...

    Solution: Publish the Site document in your Sanity Studio Studio.

    Missing homepage

    🏚️ There's no place like... index?

    Solution: Add a new Page document in your Sanity Studio with the slug: index.

    It could also mean you may be missing a translation for a page with the slug: index.

    Missing blog template

    👻 Oof, your blog posts are ghosting...


    • Add a new Global module document in your Sanity Studio with the path: blog/.
    • Also add the Blog post content module to display blog post content.

    Still having issues?

    Feel free to submit an issue on the GitHub repo!